
Marialuisa Tadei

Marialuisa Tadei was born in Rimini, Italy. She studied art history at the University of Bologna, and art at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna, in Dusseldorf and at Goldsmiths’ College, London. She began to make sculpture in the early 1990s and has shown widely at galleries and museums in Europe and America. As well as this year, she has exhibited previously during the Venice Art Biennale in 2009 and 2013 and at its Architecture Biennale in 2010, and showed at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Her work is in the permanent collections of museums in Italy, Holland, Germany and Slovenia, while her public commissions include sculptures for a station in Italy, for the city of Coral Springs, Florida, for a newspaper in India, for the world’s largest cruise ship and for Florida International University, Miami. One of her pieces was recently on display outside the offices of The Times in London and two of her works are currently at the prestigious Yorkshire Sculpture Park, in northern England. She also makes photographs and paintings. Her art is characterised by her bold use of colour and materials, including mosaic, glass, bronze and feathers, and by the lyrical and spiritual qualities of her artistic language, which seeks to make light what is dense and give weight to what is insubstantial.

″Marialuisa Tadei succeeds in giving the mystery of life abstract form, implying that it transcends the nature in which it ordinarily manifests itself, suggesting that it is unworldly - beyond space and time - like God’s creative wisdom.″
Donald Kuspit
critic and professor of art history, University of New York at Stony Brook

Master’s Degree in Sacred Art, Architecture and Liturgy
European University of Rome, Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy

Master’s Degree in Art
Domus Academy, Milan, Italy

Postgraduate Diploma
Goldsmiths’ College, London, UK

Arts Degree (Painting department)
Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna, Italy

Art History Degree
D.A.M.S.,University of Bologna, Italy

Course with Prof. Jannis Kounellis
Kunst Academy, Düsseldorf, Germany

Marialuisa Tadei works with the Cass Sculpture Foundation, England


Libero e Sublime, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati - Hotel Aquarius, San Giacomo dall'Orio 1624, Santa Croce, Venice, Italy

Quattro sculture, curated by Fondazione Tito Balestra Onlus, Teatro Petrella, Longiano, Italy

Pietra di Luce – Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat, curated by Luisa Turchi, Il Giardino Bianco Art Gallery / Atelier, Venice, Italy
Gradara Contemporanea, curated by Matteo Sormani, Art-Preview, Il Conventino di Gradara, Gradara, Italy
The Light and Color of Spirit, curated by Luisa Turchi, Serate Lagunarie - Corti di Hotel Aquarius, San Giacomo dall'Orio 1624, Santa Croce, Venice, Italy

Marialuisa Tadei for Palacongressi Rimini, Palacongressi Rimini, Rimini, Italy

Endlessly - in conjunction with the 57th Venice Biennale, Il Giardino Bianco - Art Space, Venice, Italy

I Luoghi dell’Infinito, Garibaldi Art Space, Venice, Italy

A Sense of Wonder, Da Mihi Gallery, Bern, Switzerland

Traiettorie Stellari, Galleria “Il ritrovo di Rob Shazar”, Sant’Agata De’ Goti, Italy

Marialuisa Tadei, Hay Hill Gallery, London, UK
Octopus, public art at Thomas More Square, London, UK, in collaboration with Hay Hill Gallery and Land Securities

Into the Light - in conjunction with the 53rd Venice Biennale, curated by Giorgio Cortenova, Church of San Samuele, Venice, Italy
Inside the Eyes, curated by Valerio Dehò, Contemporary Concept Gallery, Bologna, Italy

Eternity, Italian Cultural Institute, New York, USA

Marialuisa Tadei – Viaggio nella Visione, macrocosmi – microcosmi, Gagliardi Art System Gallery, Torino, Italy
Interior Nature, ArtCentre South Florida, organized by Mariangela Capuzzo/Locomotives and Setart, Miami, Florida, USA

Levitatis Laudatio (Elegy to Weightlessness), ArtCentre South Florida, organized by Mariangela Capuzzo/Locomotives and Setart, Miami, Florida, USA

Cosmic X, curated by Brane Kovic, text by Brane Kovic (cat.), City Art Museum Mestna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cosmic X1, curated by Brane Kovic, text by Brane Kovic (cat.), Italian Cultural Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cosmic Y, curated by Brane Kovic, text by Brane Kovic (cat.), City Art Museum Mestna Galerija, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Cosmic Z, curated by Brane Kovic, text by Brane Kovic (cat.), Patrizia Poggi Gallery, Ravenna, Italy

Innerspace, curated by Massimo Sgroi, Vito Caiati, Geo Arte Contemporanea, Bari, Italy
Walking Between Galaxies, organized by Luminarte/Galleria Patrizia Poggi/Ravenna City Council, curated by Fabiola Naldi, text by Fabiola Naldi (cat.), Ravenna, Italy

Soglia/Übergang/Threshold, curated by Dr Gabriele Holthuis, Director of the Museum im Prediger, texts by Dr Gabriele Holthuis, Dr Gottlieb Leinz, Director of the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany, and by Prof Achille Bonito Oliva and Victor De Circasia (cat.), Museum und Galerie im Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany/Kulturzentrum, Englishe Kirche and Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany

Coming in, Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Frankfurt, Germany
No Border, curated by Prof Claudio Spadoni, text by Claudio Spadoni (cat.), Santa Maria delle Croci, Ravenna, Italy

Il giardino di Marialuisa, Studio Ercolani, Bologna, Italy

Incisioni, directed by Tommaso Binga, curated by Prof Claudio Cerritelli, text by Prof Claudio Cerritelli (cat.), Lavatoio contumaciale Cultural Centre, Rome
Installazioni, curated by Prof Omar Calabrese, text by Prof Omar Calabrese (cat.), Galleria Atelier, Siena, Italy


NO MASK . The Real Reality Beyond the Social Filters, curated by Michele Citro, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy

I’M A MOSAIC! Da Severini, Sironi e Fontana a Paladino, Plessi e Samorì, curated by Paola Babini, Giovanna Cassese, Emanuela Fiori and Giovanni Gardini, MAR - Museo d'Arte della città, Ravenna, Italy
LA BIENNALINA. DIALOGHI SPAZIALI, curated by Michele Citro, Palazzo Mezzacapo, Maiori, Italy
GRADARA CONTEMPORANEA, Museo MARV, Via Umberto I, Gradara, Italy
SCONFINATE VISIONI, Ex Chiesa di Santa Caterina, Monte Cerignone, Italy
SPAZIO E MEMORIA, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy

GRADARA CONTEMPORANEA, Museo MARV, Via Umberto I, Gradara, Italy
I AM THE EARTH, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Fondazione Marchesani, Dorsoduro 2525 - 2525/A,Venice, Italy
MUNDI ART GALLERY, Caput Mundi Mall, via Urbano VIII 16c, Rome, Italy
SUTRI. TRISTE, SOLITARIO Y FINAL, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Museo di Palazzo Doebbing, Sutri, Italy

59th Art Biennale, Venice, Italy
Il latte dei sogni, curated by Cecilia Alemani, Giardini / Arsenale / Forte Marghera
An Unknown that Does Not Terrify, curated by Daniele Radini Tedeschi, Grenada Pavillon at Il Giardino Bianco Art Space


I Sogni del Giardino , curated by Marco Dolfin, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy

Gesto, forma, astrazione, curated by Marco Dolfin, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy
Anima Eterea - Marialuisa Tadei invites Qikai Guo, curated by Marco Dolfin, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy
Ouverture - Esposizione Inaugurale di Sculture, Dipinti e Installazioni, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Fondazione Marchesani, Dorsoduro 2525, Fondamenta Rossa, Venice, Italy

Art Miami, with Bowman Sculpture Ltd - Gallery of London, Miami, USA
Il tempo e la materia, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy
The Winter Show in New York, with Bowman Sculpture Ltd – Gallery of London, New York, USA

Art Miami, with Bowman Sculpture Ltd - Gallery of London, Miami, USA
50 anni di luna nuova, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati and Antonella Nota, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Palazzetto Tito, Dorsoduro 2826, Venice, Italy

Una sera incontrai un ragazzo gentile, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Chiavenna, Italy
Sostanza d’Acqua- I canali della Serenissima, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Palazzetto Tito, Venice, Italy
Venire per Avere, curated by Bustos Domenech, ARCOS - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Benevento, Italy
Il vuoto e le forme 6., curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Chiavenna, ex Convento dei Cappuccini, Palazzo Pretorio, Palazzo Pestalozzi, Italy and Prosto di Piuro, Palazzo Vertemate, Italy
Our Place in Space, organized by ESA and Bellati Editore with NASA contribution, curated by Tania Johnston, Anna Caterina Bellati and Antonella Nota, ESO Supernova Planetarium and Visitor Centre, Garching, Monaco di Baviera (Germany)
Coupure, curated by Bustos Domenech and Elisabetta Castellari, Il Giardino Bianco Art Space, Venice, Italy

Montezuma, Fontana, Mirko. La scultura in mosaico dalle origini a oggi, curated by Alfonso Panzetta, in collaboration with Daniele Torcellini, MAR - Museo d'Arte della città, Ravenna, Italy
Scultura Mosaico, curated by Laura Gavioli, Museo Nazionale di Ravenna (Museo di San Vitale), Ravenna, Italy
Transit-Reality, Da Mihi Gallery, Bern, Switzerland
Our place in space, curated by Antonella Nota e Anna Caterina Bellati, coordinated by ESA/Hubble, in partnership with the Space Telescope Science Institute, Campo Santo Stefano, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, Italy

Il vuoto e le forme 5., curated by Anna Caterina and Daniela Bellati, 5th Chiavenna Biennale, Chiavenna, Italy

Materia Celeste, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati and Antonella Nota, Venice, Italy

55th Art Biennale, Venice, Italy
Il Palazzo Enciclopedico, curated by Massimiliano Gioni, “Silk Map”, Padiglione Venezia at Giardini
Yourope in progress, curated by Ewald Stastny, Palazzo Bonvincini, Venice, Italy
Open Air, Octopus, and Night and Day, on show at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK
Luce sul Mare, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, Porto Mirabello, La Spezia, Italy
Cuore e anima, Art Hotel Gran Paradiso, curated by Ignazio Maria Colonna, Sorrento, Italy

Un'idea di Mare, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, in collaboration with Ismar, Caserma Cornoldi, Venice, show in parallel with the 54th Art Biennale of Venice, Italy
Art London (Hay Hill Gallery), Royal Hospital Chelsea, London, UK
Progetto scultura, curated by Prof Beatrice Buscaroli, Castel Sismondo, Rimini, Italy
Italian logos: stories in the art of excelling, Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

Il vuoto e le forme, curated by Anna Caterina Bellati, 12th Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy
14th Biennale of Sacred Art, Stauros Foundation, curated by Giorgio Cortenova inter alia, San Gabriele, Teramo, Italy
International Sculpture Biennale 2010, curated by Luciano Caramel, at Racconigi, Piedmont, Italy

Fare mondi, curated by Daniel Birenbaum, 53rd Art Biennale, Venice, Italy

10° Edizione Artisti della Carpegna, curated by Giovanni di Carpegna Falconieri, Palazzo dei Principi di Carpegna, Carpegna, Italy
Dall’Accademia alla Fornace, arte per lo sviluppo del territorio, curated by Silvia Rossetti, text by Fabio Girardello, Fornace di Asolo, Asolo, Italy
Settima Biennale dell’arte sperimentale, Museo de Manege, curated by Enzo Fornaro and O. Dotti, St Petersburg, Russia
Olympic Fine Arts 2008 (Official exhibition of the Olympic Games), curated by Katy Feng, Hu Xiaowei, Beijing, China
Donna Materia Creatività, Galleria Palazzo Coveri, Firenze, Italy
10 + 10 = 20 anni. Poeti e artisti per clanDestino. 29° Meeting per l’amicizia fra i popoli. O protagonisti o nessuno, curated by Beatrice Buscaroli, Davide Rondoni, Padiglione clanDestino, Rimini, Italy
CMYK – I linguaggi del Mediterraneo, Pinerolo, Italy
Galleria ventitreesima, Cattolica, Italy
Astralia Mirano, curated by Maria Luisa Trevisan, Venezia, Italy
Creek Art Fair Bastakia, Dubai, UAE

Shanghai Mart Art Fair, Gallery Present Temporary Art, Shanghai, China
Non calpestare le margherite, Palazzo dei Principi di Carpegna, Pesaro, Italy

Quaranta per Quaranta. Circa, PAD – Pay and Display, Verona, Italy
Nuove presenze, Museo della Scultura temporanea, Parco Ranghiasci, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Gubbio (PG), Italy
XXIV Biennale di Scultura, Palazzo Ducale/Ari del Palazzo dei soli/Palazzo Pretorio/Palazzo del Turismo/Parco Ranghiasci, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Gubbio, Italy
Unnaturally Occurring: Salt, Sand, Bronze, Gold. A group show of painting and sculpture with an alchemical twist (with Makoto Fujimura, Clement Price-Thomas, Marialuisa Tadei, Karina Wisniewska), Sara Tecchia Roma New York Gallery, United States
Ephemeral/Trends, IV Arteamericas Fair – Cout Grove vention Centre Miami, progetto project curated by Milagros Bello Ph. D, Miami, United States
Exhibition of work acquired by and gifted to MAR - Museo Arte Ravenna, Italy Curatela e catalogo di curated and catalogue by Claudio Spadoni
L’immaginario femminile, Basutti & Basutti Gallery, curated by Piero Gilardi, Giuseppe Biasutti, Torino, Italy

Omni art, Art Basel Miami, curated by Tina Spiro, Carol Damian, Julia Herzberg, Miami, United States
Erect ArtCenter/South Florida & Majestic Properties, Miami Design District, curated by Claire Bruekel Miami, United States
Galleria Altri Lavori in Corso, Roma, Italy
56ma edizone Premio Michetti
IN & OUT opera e ambiente nella dimensione Glocal, curated by Prof. Luciano Caramel, text by Prof. Luciano Caramel (cat.), Palazzo S. Domenico, Museo e Fondazione Michetti, Francavilla a Mare (CH), Italy
ClanDestino, Meeting dell’Amicizia fra i popoli, curated by Gianfranco Lauretano, Rimini, Italy
Altre Lilith. Le Vestali dell’Arte-Terzo Millennio, Museo Tuscolano – Scuderie Aldobrandini, curated by Rosetta Zozzini, Gabriella Serusi, testo in catalogo di text in catalogue by Gabriella Serusi, Frascati (Roma), Italy
Dreamscapes, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, curated by Carmen Devine, Sheboygan, United States

New Underground Railway Station, Acerra (NA), Italy
Cass Sculpture Foundation, London, Great Britain
Galleria il Torchio Costantini, Milano, Italy
Lang Gallery, London, Great Britain
ClanDestino arteat, Meeting dell’a-micizia tra i popoli, Rimini Fair, curated by Marina Mojana, Rimini, Italy
Maravee Clorofilla, Villa Ottelio-Savorgnan, curated by Sabrina Zannier (cat. Comunicarte Edizioni), Ariis di Rivignano (UD), Italy
Arte Fiera Bologna, Patrizia Poggi Gallery, Ravenna, Italy

Vergine d’oliva, Pinacoteca, Bari, Italy
Chamber of the European Parliament Strasbourg, curated by Vito Caiati, text by Vito Caiati, Lorella Scacco, Giusi Petruzelli, Antonella Marino (cat.), France
Io non ho paura del colore, curated by Lorella Scacco, text by Lorella Scacco (cat.), Villa Piccolomini, Roma
Wulbari Galleria en plein air, curated by Wences Rambla (cat.), Pinerolo (TO), Italy
Art2003 London Art Fair, Robert Sandelson Gallery, London

Arcadia in the City, Marble Hill Richmond, London, Great Britain
Art Cologne Fair, Scheffel Gallery, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
Art Frankfurt Fair, Scheffel Gallery, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
L’ultima cena (with Bill Viola, Andres Serrano, Mimmo Paladino, Nino Longobardi, Marco Neri, Michele Chiossi, Gabriel Orozco, Miltos Manetas, Bianco-Valente, Gulia Lusikova, Giovanni Rizzoli, Jason Martin, Perino & Vele, Arturo Casanova, David Bade, Loris Cecchini, Martino Coppers, Chiara Dynys, Peter Friedl, Giuseppe Mingione, Simon Morley, Ryuji Miyamoto, Marina Nunez, Simon Reilly, Markus Schaller, Pieter Schoolwerth, Adrian Tranquilli, Vedovamazzei, Sislej Xhafa, Peter Zimmerman (cat.), curated by Massimo Sgroi, Castello dell’Ovo, Napoli
La beauté du geste, Salon de l’Art, curated by Marie Aimée Tirole, Italian section curated by Boris Brollo (cat.), Principality of Monaco
Glass Way (with Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Marcel Duchamp, Jaume Plensa, etc), temporary section curated by Maurizio Sciaccaluga (cat.), Museo Archeologico Regionale, Aosta, Italy
Scultura Internazionale al Parco La Mandria (with William Pye, Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor, Rui Chafef, Edward Chillidia, Esther Ferrer, John Aiken, Anselmo, Jean Pierre Rainaud, Ruick Reim, cat.), introduced by Sir Nicholas Serota, written and curated by Victor De Circasia, organised by the Association of Piedmontese Art, Parco La Mandria, Torino
Blu-Place Arte, curated by Victor De Circasia, text by Victor De Circasia (cat.), Cavagnolo Po (TO), Italy
Sculturama, Galleria Annovi, curated by Maurizio Sciaccaluga, text by Maurizio Sciaccaluga (cat.), Sassuolo (MO), Italy
Lune parlanti, an idea by Walter Gasperoni, curated by Walter Gasperoni, text by Alberto Fiz, Vittoria Cohen, Flaminio Gualdoni, Emilio Tadino, Cesare Padovani (cat.), Rocca Malatestiana di Montefiore, Rimini, Italy
No-Style Show (Metal Room), curated by Boris Brollo, text by Boris Brollo (cat.), San Donà di Piave (VE), Italy

Art Cologne Fair, Scheffel Gallery, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
Art Frankfurt Fair, Scheffel Gallery, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
Blickachsen 3 Skulpturen im Kurpark (with Louise Bourgeois, David Nash, Jaume Plensa, Wolf Vostell, etc, cat.), curated by Cristian Scheffel, text by Dr Gottlieb Leinz, Direttore Director of the Museum Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Duisburg, Germany, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
Tatto tagi, Pescheria d’Este, curated by Maria Luisa Trevisan, text by Maria Luisa Trevisan (cat.), Padova, Italy
Arte oggetto ’01 xyz cmyk, Biblioteca comunale, curated by Maria Luisa Trevisan and Boris Brollo, texts by Maria Luisa Trevisan and Boris Brollo (cat.), Buia (UD)
In-pressione, AEM Stabilimenti Gas-Bovisa, curated by Mimmo di Marzio, Chiara Guidi, texts by Mimmo di Marzio, Chiara Guidi (cat.), Milan Modena video exhibition (with Franco Vaccari, Willy Darko, Jorge Peris, Laura Ambrosi, Giuliana Cuneaz, Maurizio Camerani), curated by Willy Darko and Mario Bertoni, sponsorship Provincia di Modena, Chiesa S. Paolo, Modena, Italy / curated by Willy Darko, sponsorship Comune e Provincia di Novara (cat.), Italy
Videotape, Palazzo Arengo del Broletto, Novara, Italy
Art Tv On Match Music Tv station, curated by Fabiola Naldi
Kunst in der Kammer 5, Frankfurt Stock Exchange / curated by Cristian Scheffel, texts by Dr Ursula Grzecha-Mohr, Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Museum, Frankfurt
International Airport (2001-2002) curated by Cristian Scheffel, texts by Dr Ursula Grzecha-Mohr, Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Museum, Germany

Maionese, Galleria en plein air, curated by Luca Beatrice, Alessandra Galletta, texts by Luca Beatrice, Alessandra Galletta (cat.), Pinerolo (TO), Italy
Onda Big, Galleria en plein air, curated by Olga Gambari, texts by Olga Gambari, Pinerolo (TO), Italy
One Day at a Time, Galleria en plein air, curated by Alberto Barbero, Olga Gambari, Marco Aime, Pino Guglielmo, Margherita Hack, Paolo Molino, Marco Robino, Andrej Termikov, texts by Alberto Barbero, Olga Gambari, Marco Aime, Pino Guglielmo, Margherita Hack, Paolo Molino, Marco Robino, Andrej Termikov (cat.), Pinerolo (TO), Italy
Periplo della scultura italiana temporanea 2, Sassi, curated by Giuseppe Appella, Pier Giovanni Castagnoli, Fabrizio D’Amico, texts by Giuseppe Appella, Pier Giovanni Castagnoli, Fabrizio D’Amico (cat.), Matera, Italy
Anatomie del paesaggio, curated by Maria Luisa Trevisan, text by Maria Luisa Trevisan (cat.), Sant’Elena D’Este (PD), Italy

Museo all’aperto, curated by Miriam Campagnini, text by Miriam Campagnini, sponsorship Comune di Vicchio (cat.), Vicchio (FI), Italy
Morbì, Mole Vanvitelliana, curated by Antonio Luccarini, text by Antonio Luccarini, sponsorship Comune di Ana (cat.), Ana, Italy
Pubblicità: una vista dall’arte, curated by Pierre Restany, text by Pierre Restany (cat.), Spazio soloMilan, Milano

Gli elementi – Water Air Earth Fire.Tra arte e ambiente, curated by Maria Luisa Trevisan, Lucia Majer, Umberto Daniele, texts by Maria Luisa Trevisan, Lucia Majer, Umberto Daniele (cat.), Sant’Elena D’Este (PD), Italy